Contract Addresses

VANA Token Address

VANA is the native token of Vana mainnet, so there is no token address.

NetworkContract address
Vana mainnetNative gas token

VANA Across Chains

VANA is also available as an ERC-20 token across chains, following the OFT standard.

Please note there may be other tokens with the name $VANA that are not associated with Vana, malicious or otherwise. Be careful and make sure that the token you are interacting with is the correct one.

Relevent Tokens on Vana Mainnet

TokenContract address
Vana OFT0x7FF7Fa94b8b66Ef313f7970d4EEbd2CB3103a2C0
Wrapped ETH0x2F6F07CDcf3588944Bf4C42aC74ff24bF56e7590
Wrapped Vana0x00EDdD9621Fb08436d0331c149D1690909a5906d

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