DLP Root Metrics
The DLPRootMetrics contract manages DataDAO performance ratings and DLP reward distributiion.
The DLPRootMetrics contract calculates and tracks performance metrics for DataDAOs in the Vana ecosystem, working alongside the DLP Root contract to determine reward distribution. It uses a dual-rating system that combines stake amounts with performance metrics, where each DataDAO receives a performance rating every epoch based on their activities and contributions.
The contract implements a weighted scoring system where both stake amount and performance metrics influence the final rating, with configurable percentages for each component. This ensures that DataDAOs are incentivized not just to maintain high stake amounts, but also to perform well in their operations. Performance ratings are submitted by Vana Oracle and become final at the end of each epoch, determining the reward distribution among the top DataDAOs.
To promote long-term engagement, the system includes a multiplier mechanism that increases based on staking duration, reaching up to 300% after 64 days of staking. This multiplier affects the stake score component of the rating, while the performance component is determined by the DataDAO's actual operations and effectiveness. The contract allows for dynamic updates to performance ratings within an epoch until finalization, ensuring the system can adapt to changing conditions while maintaining security through role-based access control.
Contract Address
Moksha: 0xbb532917B6407c060Afd9Cb7d53527eCb91d6662
Vana Mainnet: 0xbb532917B6407c060Afd9Cb7d53527eCb91d6662
Updated 2 months ago