TEE Pool
The TEE Pool orchestrates TEEs in the Satya Network.
The Satya Network specializes in the validation of data contributions to DataDAOs, running their Proof of Contribution. These validators operate within a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), ensuring that data can be validated securely and privately. This allows for privacy-preserving validation, where the data being processed is shielded from both the validator and external parties.
The TEE Pool contract manages and coordinates the TEE Validators and serves as an escrow for holding fees associated with validation tasks. Users pay a fee to submit data for validation, and the contract ensures that the validators process the data and provide proof of validation. The contract also allows the owner to add or remove validators, and it securely holds and disburses the fees related to these validation services.
Contract Address
Vana's Satya Network (powered by Intel SGX)
Vana Mainnet: 0x3c92fD91639b41f13338CE62f19131e7d19eaa0D
Phala's Satya Network (powered by Intel TDX)
Moksha: 0xE8EC6BD73b23Ad40E6B9a6f4bD343FAc411bD99A
Vana Mainnet: 0xE8EC6BD73b23Ad40E6B9a6f4bD343FAc411bD99A
Updated 2 months ago