DLP Root
The DLP Root contract manages DataDAO registration, staking, and reward distribution.
The DLPRoot contract serves as the central hub in the Vana ecosystem, orchestrating a complex system of DataDAO management, staking operations, and reward distribution through its interaction with DLPRootMetrics and specialized treasury contracts. Operating on an epoch-based system, it works in tandem with DLPRootMetrics to identify and reward the most valuable DataDAOs based on both their stake amounts and performance metrics. The contract manages two separate treasury relationships: the DLPRootStakesTreasury for holding staked VANA tokens, and the DLPRootRewardsTreasury for distributing rewards to both DataDAOs and their stakers.
DataDAOs enter the system through a registration process that requires a minimum initial stake, which is held in the DLPRootStakesTreasury. As they accumulate more stake, DataDAOs can progress through three status tiers: Registered, SubEligible, and Eligible, with automatic transitions based on stake thresholds. This tiered system ensures that only DataDAOs with significant skin in the game can compete for top positions and rewards. To maintain flexibility and attract stakers, DataDAO owners can set custom reward percentages within defined bounds, determining how rewards are split between the DataDAO treasury and its stakers.
The epoch mechanism drives the system's dynamics, with each epoch having a fixed duration in blocks. At epoch boundaries, DLPRootMetrics finalizes performance ratings, which combine with stake amounts to determine the epoch's top DataDAOs. The DLPRoot then orchestrates reward distribution through the DLPRootRewardsTreasury, ensuring that both DataDAO treasuries and their stakers receive their designated portions. To prevent exploitation, the system implements stake withdrawal delays and requires manual reward claims, while still allowing users to stake across multiple DataDAOs for portfolio diversification.
Throughout this process, the contract maintains a careful balance of security and flexibility, with role-based access control governing critical functions and automated processes handling routine operations. The integration between DLPRoot, DLPRootMetrics, and the treasury contracts creates a robust ecosystem that incentivizes both long-term commitment through staking and high performance through measurable metrics.
Contract Address
Moksha: 0xff14346dF2B8Fd0c95BF34f1c92e49417b508AD5
Vana Mainnet: 0xff14346dF2B8Fd0c95BF34f1c92e49417b508AD5
Updated about 2 months ago