Cycle 3 Rewards Distribution Example

This example outlines the rewards distribution for Epoch 3 in the Vana protocol, shaped by VRC-8 and VRC-11

Key Changes in Epoch 3

  • Standardized APY for Stakers: A single APY rate applies across all DLPs to prevent uneven incentives.
  • Removal of the 7-Day Unstaking Window: Stakers can now move their stakes dynamically without waiting periods
  • Removal of Sublinear Formula For DataDAO Creators: Rewards for creators are now determined by the linear formula, as it was in epoch 1.
  • 100% Stake-Based Rewards: Unique contributor-based rewards have been removed, and all rewards are determined by stake.
  • Time-Weighted Staking Adjustments for Stakers and DataDAOs: The ranking of the top 16 DLPs is now determined by the updated scoring model, which accounts for adjusted short-term staking to prevent last-minute manipulation

Key Variables

  • epochRewardAmount: Total rewards for the rewards cycle (e.g., 400,000 VANA).
  • stakersPercentage: Percentage allocated to stakers (50% per DataDAO).
  • epochDlpsLimit: Maximum number of eligible DataDAOs (e.g., Top 16).
  • epochSize: Length of one rewards cycle (e.g., 21 days).

$VANA Stakers Rewards

  1. Calculate Adjusted Stake for DLP Score

At this step, we apply time-weighting for stakes under 21 days, ensuring late stakers contribute less to the DLP Score.

  1. Calculate DataDAO Score

Each DLP’s Score is now based on the Total Adjusted Stake from Step 1..

  1. Calculate DataDAO Reward

Rewards are proportional to the DataDAO's score.

  1. Calculate Stakers’ Share

The stakers' share is based on the DataDAO's chosen stakersPercentage.

  1. Calculate EPY (Single Epoch Yield)

EPY reflects the return for stakers in a single rewards cycle.

  1. Calculate APR

APR scales the EPY to a full year.

  1. Calculate APY

APY represents the return on staked assets if rewards are continuously staked and compounded at the end of each epoch for a full year.

DataDAO Creators Rewards

With VRC-11, sublinear rewards are removed, and DataDAO rewards are now fully proportional to stake weight.



  • Epoch Reward Amount = 400,000 VANA
  • DataDAOs = DLP1, DLP2, DLP3
  • Staker Percentage = 50% for all DLPs
  • Time-Weighted Staking:
    • DLP1 received 1 stake that is staked for 1 day
    • DLP2 received 2 stakes (staked for 5 days and 10 days)
    • DLP3 received 3 stakes (staked for 7 days, 15 days, and 25 days)

Stakers Calculations:

Step 1: Calculate Adjusted Stake for DLP Score

DataDAOStaked AmountDays StakedMultiplierFormulaAdjusted Stake
DLP1300,0001 day1/21300,000 × 1 / 2114,285.71
DLP2400,0005 days5/21400,000 × 5 / 2195,238.10
DLP2600,00010 days10/21600,000 × 10 / 21​285,714.29
DLP3250,0007 days7/21250,000 × 7 / 21​83,333.33
DLP3500,00015 days15/21500,000 × 15 / 21​357,142.86
DLP3100,00025 days1x100,000 × 1100,000

Summary of total adjusted stakes per DataDAO:

DLP295,238.10 + 285,714.29380,952.38
DLP383,333.33 + 357,142.86 + 100,000540,476.1

Step 2: Calculate DataDAO Score

DLP114,285.71 / 935,714.280.0152
DLP2380,952.38 / 935,714.280.4071
DLP3540,476.1 / 935,714.280.5776

Step 3: Calculate DataDAO Rewards

DLP10.0152 × 400,0006,120 VANA
DLP20.4071 × 400,000162,880 VANA
DLP30.5776 × 400,000231,000 VANA

Step 4: Calculate Stakers' Share

DLP16,120 × 50%3,060 VANA
DLP2162,880 × 50%81,440 VANA
DLP3231,000 × 50%115,500 VANA

DataDAO Creators Calculations:

DLP16,120 − 49,1203,060 VANA
DLP2162,880 − 62,36081,440 VANA
DLP3231,000 − 88,520115,500 VANA

Stakers Calculations:

Step 1: Calculate Stakes Scores

DataDAOStaked AmountDays StakedMultiplierFormulaStake Score
DLP1300,0001 day1/21300,000 × 1 / 2114,285.71
DLP2400,0005 days5/21400,000 × 5 / 2195,238.10
DLP2600,00010 days10/21600,000 × 10 / 21​285,714.29
DLP3250,0007 days7/21250,000 × 7 / 21​83,333.33
DLP3500,00015 days15/21500,000 × 15 / 21​357,142.86
DLP3100,00025 days1.1x100,000 × 1.1110,000

Step 2: Summarize Scores per DataDAO

DLP295,238.10 + 285,714.29380,952.38
DLP383,333.33 + 357,142.86 + 110,000550,476.19

Step 3: Calculate Rewards

DataDAOStaked AmountStake ScoreFormulaAdjusted Stake
DLP1300,00014,285.7114,285.71 / 14,285.71 / 3,0603,060 VANA
DLP2400,00095,238.1095,238.10 / 380,952.38 / 81,44020,360 VANA
DLP2600,000285,714.29285,714.29 / 380,952.38 / 81,44061,080 VANA
DLP3250,00083,333.3383,333.33 / 550,476.19 / 115,50017,470 VANA
DLP3500,000357,142.86357,142.86 / 550,476.19 / 115,50074,900 VANA
DLP3100,000110,000110,000 / 550,476.19 / 115,50023,130 VANA

This new structure for Cycle 3 ensures fairer, more sustainable staking and DataDAO participation while aligning with ecosystem goals. 🚀