Cycle 3 Rewards Distribution Example
This example outlines the rewards distribution for Epoch 3 in the Vana protocol, shaped by VRC-8 and VRC-11
Key Changes in Epoch 3
- Standardized APY for Stakers: A single APY rate applies across all DLPs to prevent uneven incentives.
- Removal of the 7-Day Unstaking Window: Stakers can now move their stakes dynamically without waiting periods
- Removal of Sublinear Formula For DataDAO Creators: Rewards for creators are now determined by the linear formula, as it was in epoch 1.
- 100% Stake-Based Rewards: Unique contributor-based rewards have been removed, and all rewards are determined by stake.
- Time-Weighted Staking Adjustments for Stakers and DataDAOs: The ranking of the top 16 DLPs is now determined by the updated scoring model, which accounts for adjusted short-term staking to prevent last-minute manipulation
Key Variables
- epochRewardAmount: Total rewards for the rewards cycle (e.g., 400,000 VANA).
- stakersPercentage: Percentage allocated to stakers (50% per DataDAO).
- epochDlpsLimit: Maximum number of eligible DataDAOs (e.g., Top 16).
- epochSize: Length of one rewards cycle (e.g., 21 days).
$VANA Stakers Rewards
- Calculate Adjusted Stake for DLP Score
At this step, we apply time-weighting for stakes under 21 days, ensuring late stakers contribute less to the DLP Score.

- Calculate DataDAO Score
Each DLP’s Score is now based on the Total Adjusted Stake from Step 1..

- Calculate DataDAO Reward
Rewards are proportional to the DataDAO's score.

- Calculate Stakers’ Share
The stakers' share is based on the DataDAO's chosen stakersPercentage.

- Calculate EPY (Single Epoch Yield)
EPY reflects the return for stakers in a single rewards cycle.

- Calculate APR
APR scales the EPY to a full year.

- Calculate APY
APY represents the return on staked assets if rewards are continuously staked and compounded at the end of each epoch for a full year.

DataDAO Creators Rewards
With VRC-11, sublinear rewards are removed, and DataDAO rewards are now fully proportional to stake weight.

- Epoch Reward Amount = 400,000 VANA
- DataDAOs = DLP1, DLP2, DLP3
- Staker Percentage = 50% for all DLPs
- Time-Weighted Staking:
- DLP1 received 1 stake that is staked for 1 day
- DLP2 received 2 stakes (staked for 5 days and 10 days)
- DLP3 received 3 stakes (staked for 7 days, 15 days, and 25 days)
Stakers Calculations:
Step 1: Calculate Adjusted Stake for DLP Score
DataDAO | Staked Amount | Days Staked | Multiplier | Formula | Adjusted Stake |
DLP1 | 300,000 | 1 day | 1/21 | 300,000 × 1 / 21 | 14,285.71 |
DLP2 | 400,000 | 5 days | 5/21 | 400,000 × 5 / 21 | 95,238.10 |
DLP2 | 600,000 | 10 days | 10/21 | 600,000 × 10 / 21 | 285,714.29 |
DLP3 | 250,000 | 7 days | 7/21 | 250,000 × 7 / 21 | 83,333.33 |
DLP3 | 500,000 | 15 days | 15/21 | 500,000 × 15 / 21 | 357,142.86 |
DLP3 | 100,000 | 25 days | 1x | 100,000 × 1 | 100,000 |
Summary of total adjusted stakes per DataDAO:
DataDAO | Formula | Result |
DLP1 | 14,285.71 | 14,285.71 |
DLP2 | 95,238.10 + 285,714.29 | 380,952.38 |
DLP3 | 83,333.33 + 357,142.86 + 100,000 | 540,476.1 |
Step 2: Calculate DataDAO Score
DataDAO | Formula | Result |
DLP1 | 14,285.71 / 935,714.28 | 0.0152 |
DLP2 | 380,952.38 / 935,714.28 | 0.4071 |
DLP3 | 540,476.1 / 935,714.28 | 0.5776 |
Step 3: Calculate DataDAO Rewards
DataDAO | Formula | Result |
DLP1 | 0.0152 × 400,000 | 6,120 VANA |
DLP2 | 0.4071 × 400,000 | 162,880 VANA |
DLP3 | 0.5776 × 400,000 | 231,000 VANA |
Step 4: Calculate Stakers' Share
DataDAO | Formula | Result |
DLP1 | 6,120 × 50% | 3,060 VANA |
DLP2 | 162,880 × 50% | 81,440 VANA |
DLP3 | 231,000 × 50% | 115,500 VANA |
DataDAO Creators Calculations:
DataDAO | Formula | Result |
DLP1 | 6,120 − 49,120 | 3,060 VANA |
DLP2 | 162,880 − 62,360 | 81,440 VANA |
DLP3 | 231,000 − 88,520 | 115,500 VANA |
Stakers Calculations:
Step 1: Calculate Stakes Scores
DataDAO | Staked Amount | Days Staked | Multiplier | Formula | Stake Score |
DLP1 | 300,000 | 1 day | 1/21 | 300,000 × 1 / 21 | 14,285.71 |
DLP2 | 400,000 | 5 days | 5/21 | 400,000 × 5 / 21 | 95,238.10 |
DLP2 | 600,000 | 10 days | 10/21 | 600,000 × 10 / 21 | 285,714.29 |
DLP3 | 250,000 | 7 days | 7/21 | 250,000 × 7 / 21 | 83,333.33 |
DLP3 | 500,000 | 15 days | 15/21 | 500,000 × 15 / 21 | 357,142.86 |
DLP3 | 100,000 | 25 days | 1.1x | 100,000 × 1.1 | 110,000 |
Step 2: Summarize Scores per DataDAO
DataDAO | Formula | Result |
DLP1 | 14,285.71 | 14,285.71 |
DLP2 | 95,238.10 + 285,714.29 | 380,952.38 |
DLP3 | 83,333.33 + 357,142.86 + 110,000 | 550,476.19 |
Step 3: Calculate Rewards
DataDAO | Staked Amount | Stake Score | Formula | Adjusted Stake |
DLP1 | 300,000 | 14,285.71 | 14,285.71 / 14,285.71 / 3,060 | 3,060 VANA |
DLP2 | 400,000 | 95,238.10 | 95,238.10 / 380,952.38 / 81,440 | 20,360 VANA |
DLP2 | 600,000 | 285,714.29 | 285,714.29 / 380,952.38 / 81,440 | 61,080 VANA |
DLP3 | 250,000 | 83,333.33 | 83,333.33 / 550,476.19 / 115,500 | 17,470 VANA |
DLP3 | 500,000 | 357,142.86 | 357,142.86 / 550,476.19 / 115,500 | 74,900 VANA |
DLP3 | 100,000 | 110,000 | 110,000 / 550,476.19 / 115,500 | 23,130 VANA |
This new structure for Cycle 3 ensures fairer, more sustainable staking and DataDAO participation while aligning with ecosystem goals. 🚀
Updated about 1 month ago