Data Liquidity Pools
The Vana network provides building blocks that can be used to create a Data Liquidity Pool (DLP) tailored for collecting any kind of meaningful data.
Formally, a DLP is a smart contract registered with and approved by the root network.
DLPs must meet the root network's standard to be activated. To do so, each DLP onboards a class of data assets, creating liquidity, and guarantees that data is secure, ensuring privacy.
Typically, validators uphold the integrity of a DLP by evaluating the data for its usefulness and validity. Data comes in all shapes and sizes, so DLPs have a lot of freedom to operate in a way that best fits the data specific to that pool.
Root Network
The root network is responsible for governing the DLPs in the network. A DLP owner must register their DLP with the root network before it is considered active on the network. If the DLP is in the top 16, the root network distributes rewards to these DLPs.
Users can also stake in a specific DLP, which helps the DLP secure a spot in the top 16. Users that stake in a top 16 DLP will receive a portion of the rewards earned by that DLP.
Last updated